One Clover & A Bee: The Right Bed in a Universe of Beds

I’m Grateful for…The Bed Book If you’re familiar with Sylvia Plath’s work you might be surprised to see a poem of hers here. But in addition to her darkly brilliant work she also wrote a book for her children, The Bed Book, that’s bright and …

One Clover & A Bee: Poetry for Halloween

Tricks & Treats: Two Not-So-Spooky Poems Halloween is a time when we like to be scared…a little, and some of us more than others. In the light of day when we’re putting on our costumes and makeup, it’s easy to see that you are you and I am me…

One Clover & A Bee: Poetry that Engages the Senses

The Sound of One Leaf Falling Some poems are clearly meant to be read aloud: sound is the engine that moves them off the page and into our consciousness. Other poems rely more on image, making pictures that resonate in our mind’s eye. Some poems try …

One Clover & A Bee: Poems For Families To Learn And Love

Is Poetry On Your Playlist? Many of us think of poetry with a capital P—meaning, Poetry lives in a castle high on a hill surrounded by a deep moat and a drawbridge. Beautiful from a distance, probably beautiful inside, but a little scary and, unless …