Valley Bounty: Sweet Potatoes

Here we are, in the brave new world of 2019. So far, it probably doesn’t feel that different from 2018 for most of us, except that the indulgence-heavy holidays are behind us and we’re staring at our list of resolutions wondering why we thought this was the year we were going to learn French and go to the gym every day. I imagine many of us have vowed to “eat better,” and are now finding that that is not quite […]

Valley Bounty: Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes store beautifully, making them a great way to eat more local in the winter. My father calls them “American’s most under-rated vegetable,” and although I disagreed with him as a child, I’ve come around. A couple of sweet potatoes, thrown into the oven while you’re cooking something else, make a great addition to all sorts of other things—mashed into refried beans, on salad, or added to a smoothie. Or try them grated and fried with onions, garlic, and […]