Parenting Possibilities: The Family Dinner Experience

Family Dinners: Joy or Indigestion? The extensive research on the benefits of family dinners has seemed to define eating together as the make it or break it sign to raising healthy, well-adjusted children. I do agree that family meals have potential to be an opportunity to catch up on the day’s events and bond in […]

Parenting Possibilities: A Sibling’s Love

A Sibling’s Love One day I quietly watched my children playing with each other and realized for the first time that they have their own unique form of communication. They have an instinctual knowledge of each other I had not previously been aware of. It is an understanding only a sibling can have, almost as […]

Parenting Possibilities: We Are All Meant to Shine

Getting Out of Our Own Way In her recent interview in Time Magazine’s March edition and in her talk which received over 2 million views, Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s powerhouse Chief Operating Officer speaks to why women still have not achieved equality in the workforce. She acknowledges that very real barriers still exist like sexism, […]

Parenting Possibilities: To Take Away or Not Take Away

You Better Run “You better run, better run, out run my gun.” These are sample lyrics to Foster the People’s freakishly popular song, “Pumped up Kicks,” that my children were happily listening to the other day. When I realized that the song my 5 and 9 year old boys were dancing to with joy was […]