Creative Rural Urban Alliances Webinar

Last week, we shared information about Art of the Rural collaborations that address both rural and urban communities alongside staff from the Rural Policy Research Institute and M12…

Honey and Sustainability in Rural Nepal

Here is a new dispatch considering rural – international connections, where sustainability and food security meet, raising the
quality of life and illustrating to rural youth how prosperity could be
under their noses, or in the hive: Plan Interna…

Photographing Rural Maine, Beyond The Vacationland

Gregory Gives his Cousin Lori a Rose, 1983; Steven Rubin

This month TIME Magazine’s Lightbox photography section highlights the work of Steven Rubin and his 30 year project in Somerset County, Maine — the fruits of which are currently on view at …

Update: The Black Hills Are Not For Sale

Mural Installation on Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles; Honor The Treaties Facebook Page

Last year we discussed Honor The Treaties, a promising collaboration between photographer Aaron Huey, the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, and a host of u…