Podcasts on Legal Issues for Farms

Attorney Rachel Armstrong of Farm Commons just launched a podcast series on legal issues for farmers. The podcasts are compiled from Farm Commons’ winter webinars and are about an hour each. The initial list includes “The Beginning Farmer’s Introduction to Farm Law” and “Put Your CSA on Strong Legal Footing.” New podcasts will be added each week.

The post Podcasts on Legal Issues for Farms appeared first on Cornucopia Institute.

7 Holiday Podcasts from the Hilltown Family Variety Show

We’ve curated a collection of holiday episodes of the Hilltown Family Variety Show for your listening enjoyment! Listen any time to these hour-long commercial-free podcasts, originally broadcasted on 103.3FM WXOJ, celebrating Chanukah, Christmas, Wint…

6 Holiday Podcasts from the Hilltown Family Variety Show

Hilltown Family Variety Show Holiday Radio Shows/Podcasts Originally broadcasted out of Northampton, MA on WXOJ-LP 103.3FM (Valley Free Radio) for the holidays, we’ve gathered six holiday episodes of the Hilltown Family Variety Show from over the…