Land Trusts & Native Species: Community-Based Educational Resources to Support Self-Directed Learning

Self-guided hikes are a great way to keep your family active outdoors and engaged in nature! They’re also excellent ways to support learning via community-based educational resources, including land trusts & native species!

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25 Self-Guided Hikes in Western MA to Support Place-Based Learning

Here is a list of self-guided hikes to do with your family or on your own. To support place-based learning, before you head out, conduct an online search about the natural and human history of some of these community-based educational resources. Bring …

❄️ Sledding Hills in Western MA ❄️

Over the years we’ve been welcoming recommendations for sledding hills across the region from our reader to help connect families with community-based activities Check out these reader recommendations and share your own recommendation in the comment field below. Kelly recommends: Frog Hill in Grenville Park in Ware is a huge hill and great for sledding. […]

Learning Landscape for September: A Transition Between Seasons Brings a Colorful Table

Every month, Hilltown Families features a new Learning Landscape, which aims to inspire learning along with a common theme easily spotted in our surroundings that month. The hope is to bring a little bit of the outdoors inside for inspection, dissection, identification, creative play, art projects, and lots of other educational activities. September has brought […]