Where you are is who you are

The physiocrats had it right when they said that “the earth is the sole source of all riches,” for from our ecology comes our economy. I”ve been thinking—as you have been, too, I”m sure—about the increasing political and natural chaos caused by our economy, which decimates the ecological systems that gave our ancestors their lives. […]

The Ripple: River Walking

This month in “The Ripple: Stories About Western MA Rivers,” Hilltown Families Contributing Writer, Kurt Heidinger, writes about river access .Check out his 5 pointers on how to river walk, preventing a wipe out due to slippery rocks and strong current…

Crash Course: 100+ Episodes in 6 Online Courses

Crash Course: 6 Courses. 112 Episodes. Research has shown that students can lose two months (or more!) worth of their learning in mathematics and language arts during the summer if they aren’t exposed to meaningful and enriching learning activities while they’re out of school. Of course, informal learning can take place for students in almost […]

The Ripple: Insects of Spring

Before May Flies, Meet the Mayfly Imagine never getting swarmed and bit by mayflies as you revel in the vivacities unleashed by the ubiquitous green fountain of spring. Imagine gardening, or hiking, or simply sitting on a park bench without having to constantly swat and flinch and keep from going mad as the mayflies crawl […]

The Ripple: The Magic of Spring Peepers. The Science of Vernal Pools

How do spring peepers know when to start singing? How do spring peepers know when to start singing? They don’t have weather reports, or the ability to see the buds forming on trees, the snow melting, or teens walking around in shorts and T’s when it’s 40 degrees and climbing. Certainly, there are scientific reasons […]

Spring Hunting

Cross-post from Hilltown Families: The Ripple: Hunting for Springs in Western MA Spring Hunting Spring has a leap of the leprechaun in it; who can deny that?—but spring’s called spring not because of its leapiness.  Spring’s called spring because of the upwelling waters that appear as the frozen earth thaws. Right now is the best time […]