Let’s Play: Sunflower & Popcorn Houses

Families in the Dirt Snow pants, boots and mittens be gone! It’s time for sunny afternoons and mud pies after a spring rain. Outdoor clean up. Digging. Rakes. Water. Hoses. Sticks. Rocks. Shovels. Mud. Now that the younger ones are completely engrossed in dirt play, encourage the older kids to put down their devices and […]

5 Resources to Supplement & Support Asian Studies in the Pioneer Valley this Winter

Asian Studies Supplemented in the Pioneer Valley Exhibit, Educator Workshop, Guided Tours, Performance Art & Free Family Day Educational opportunities are numerous over the next few months for those interested in teaching and learning about Asian art!  The Smith College Museum of Art in Northampton, MA will be opening a new exhibit on Asian art […]

Backstories: The Other Side of Art at The Clark

Backstories: The Other Side of Art on View at The Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute December 22nd-April 21st in Williamstown Museums and galleries use more than just the pieces displayed in the exhibits they show to identify them – the stories behind paintings, sculptures, and other creative works are often much richer than they […]

The Real Housewives of Currier and Ives in Springfield

The Real Housewives of Currier and Ives Exhibit at Springfield Museums through June 25, 2012 Throughout history and changes in culture, women have been depicted within various media as a stable and nurturing force, despite changes in their role within …