Home: A Virtual Exhibit of Visual and Performing Arts and Writing
Submission deadline: February 11, 2022 at 6 PM
Online Virtual Exhibit: March 1 – April 30, 2022
Forbes Library invites western Mass. creatives to submit recent work for a Virtual Exhibit on the theme of “Home”.
Home has many facets. We envision a range of creative work that engages with any aspect of the theme, including (but not limited to) how we live and who live with, what makes us feel at home, making a home, homesickness, houses versus homes, housing insecurity, immigration, emigration, community, the neighborhood, the city, the country, the world.
With this theme of Home we’re interested in seeing, reading, hearing how you experience the intimacy home may provide, the strangeness it can induce, the alienation it may elicit as one seeks shelter in the world.
We value diversity and inclusivity in our gallery exhibitions and BIPOC artists, LGBTQIA artists and women artists are strongly encouraged to apply.
Eligibility: creators must reside in one of the four counties of western Massachusetts: Hampshire, Hampden, Franklin, Berkshire.
Work must have been created in the last 2 years (since January 1, 2020).
Formats: Visual Art, Writing, Video, Music and Dance (in video format)
Limit: 3 item submissions per person
Written submissions (poetry, essays, stories) : 500 word limit
Video, music, dance : 4 minutes limit
2D image files : 1 to 4MB
Curated by Faith Kaufmann, Pamela Acosta, and Art Middleton (writing)