Juicy and delicious, a tree-ripened local peach is nothing like one that was picked before it was ripe and shipped across the globe. While they’re here, it’s worth eating lots of them. Start simple: eat them whole, or sliced and tossed with blueberries. Make a fresh peach salsa by chopping peaches with tomatoes, peppers, onions and cilantro. End your meal with peach pie or cobbler—or just slice up some more peaches and serve them on ice cream.
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Sources: Find our list of farms that grow peaches here.
Preserving Tips: Opening a jar of peaches in January will bring a jolt of summer to your winter table. Home-canned peaches are delicious, and mix well with frozen fruit for a winter fruit salad. Frozen peaches are better in smoothies and baked goods. Many farms sell utility grade peaches for preserving. Ask for freestone varieties, which are easier to preserve than clingstone types. The National Center for Home Food Preservation has a guide to canning peaches here, and you can find more resources on CISA’s food preservation resource page here.